Golden Pints and Golden Pubs

At the end of 2017 I pledged to increase the content on this blog from three posts every six years to 52 posts a year. Then I broke my wrist and couldn’t write. Six months of rehab later I settled in to pick up the pace and was immediately promoted, upping my workload by about…

Not every beer has to be special : in defence of average pints

My local sells real ale. They have two pumps, one is perpetually Doom Bar and the other alternates between a number of Golden ales and IPAs from the Robinson’s brewery. At the moment they have on Hoppy Wan Kenobi which is packed with Cascade and Sovereign hops. Regular readers will know my feelings about American…

Bibit Illa Cervisium : How do we get women to drink beer?

One of my favourite films is Calamity Jane. There’s a great musical number where Jane – who smells like a horse and wears a raccoon skin hat – is convinced by her friend Katie that maybe their shack would be improved slightly by brushing up some of the crap off the floor and hanging some…

The Pub At Christmas

It’s a Family Affair In a sitcom Christmas special,  in an effort to shake things up a bit the writers often bring in a hitherto unseen character; someone’s dad, grandma, or Uncle Knobhead who shows up usually played by a respected theatre actor and steals the show. So it goes at Christmas, when suddenly the…

Why ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’ isn’t as creepy as it seems

It’s that time of year again when even the most reserved retail outlets have given in and slammed on the Best Christmas in the World..Ever! CD. They’re all there – Noddy Holder screaming that it’s Christmas, Midge Ure bringing everyone down by talking about famine, and two crooners (or two Welsh people) playing out a…

A Few Drinks in Australia : Part 2 : Canberra

This statement has raised a few eyebrows on both sides of the world, but of all the places I visited in Australia, Canberra was my favourite. Maybe it’s just my contrary nature, as everyone I spoke to about Canberra seemed to apologise for its very existence, but on my last day in Australia, looking out…